

Search, track and love the movies you watch.

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Find Movies you want to Watch

Easily search and track movies you’ve watched. ScreenDiary provides all the details you need about every film, including where you can watch them.

Keep a Wishlist of Movies

With ScreenDiary, you won’t forget the movies you want to watch. Quickly add any movie to your wishlist and have it ready whenever you need it.


Stay up to Date

Skim through trending, top rated and upcoming films on the dashboard. Spot something you like? Add it to your wishlist in a heartbeat.


Go beyond tracking with comprehensive statistics about your habits. Use these stats to uncover recommended movies tailored to your tastes.

Movie Detail

Preserve Experiences

ScreenDiary isn’t just about watching movies - it’s about cherishing those memories too.

Rate your movies, or note your thoughts on them. Track whether it was the first time you’ve seen it, or if you watched a special edition. Once you’ve watched a movie, scan your ticket to keep it as a memento.